Research Projects

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Research Projects

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DISCO - Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimized urban freight meta model for new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs

Prof. Rod Franklin

The DISCO projects, funded by Horizon Europe (European Union) aims to test and adopt a new generation of urban logistics and smart planning services with the aim to reduce emissions and better manage urban infrastructures. It involves a federated community of logistics service providers, mobility and technology providers, real estate and infrastructure owners and cities supported by specialized consulting, EU associations and academics. The partners and stakeholders will co-design, deploy, demonstrate, evaluate, and replicate innovative urban logistics and planning solutions.

Digital Transformation, Infrastructure, Sustainability, Transport Logistics

URBANE - Upscaling innovative green urban logistics solutions through multi-actor collaboration and physical internet-inspired last mile deliveries

Prof. Rod Franklin, PhD (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Co-funded by the new Horizon Europe Programme (HEU) the project focuses on developing flexible urban last mile delivery approaches based on the Physical Internet that lower emissions, congestion, and cost, by combining green automated vehicles and shared space utilisation models.

Digital Transformation, Environment, Sustainability, Transport Logistics

Effects of montary and non-monetary incentives on strategic behavior of customers and companies

Prof. Dr. Jan Becker (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Companies use monetary and non-monetary incentives to manage customers The objective of the project is to gain insights that will help to make customer management more efficient for the benefit of both consumers and companies, and to find solutions to reduce the negative consequences of strategic customer behavior for the economy as a whole. It is funded by the German Research Association (DFG).

Creating Value, Marketing

ULePro (Urban food production) - Development and coordination of local food production and distribution networks (FabCIty)

Prof. Dr. Sandra Transchel (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

The ULePro project aims to strengthen the medium-sized agricultural sector, which is essentially responsible for the regional food supply, in the long term. It is to investigate the potential of regional and local food production and supply networks, considering all actors and decision-makers involved, i.e. agribusinesses, logistics service providers, and others engaged in local food production, storage and distribution. It should serve as an interface with final customers and buyers of the products, as well as with local authorities, policymakers, and others responsible for setting local framework conditions.

Food Logistics, Sustainability, Supply Chains

Fab City: Decentralized, Digital Production for Urban Value Creation - Subproject on "Supply Chain and Operations Management"

Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg (Kühne Logistics University - KLU), Robin Kabelitz-Bock (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

This subproject focuses on the impact of 3D printing on the Circular Economy and regionalization of supply chains. It aims to implement a living lab ("Reallabor") in Hamburg to research the business, supply chain, technical, legal, as well as social effects of decentralized, open, and digital production sites.

Creating Value, Infrastructure, Sustainability

Hypernetwork of German Logistics (HeGeL) - Exploiting the Potential of Hypernetworks in Freight Transport and Logistics

Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Although the global transport volume is constantly increasing, and international logistics is often carried out across several networks or even intermodally, there is still a lack of transparency in the transport market. A structured procedure for the representation of logistical hypernetworks is developed for a large dataset by means of supplementary scientific methods. The resulting transparency of the transport market enables better efficiency planning and more effective optimization of transport in terms of costs, sustainability and resilience. The new data offers opportunities for new services in the transport sector.

Transport Logistics, Sustainability

Automated process weakness identification based on social media posts

Prof. Dr. Henrik Leopold (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Process mining techniques, which reconstruct how processes are executed, can provide valuable input for process improvement initiatives but do not automatically identify concrete process weaknesses. Identifying such weaknesses still requires the extensive involvement of domain experts. At the same time, process problems experienced by customers are frequently shared on social media platforms. The goal of this project is, therefore, to address the problem of the manual work in the context of process improvement by developing techniques that automatically link process weaknesses described in social media posts to specific events from event logs, and rank the aligned weaknesses, so that they can effectively serve as input for process improvement.

Digital Transformation

Fab City: Decentralized Digital Innovation Processes for Urban Value Creation - Subproject on "Citizen Innovation"

Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

How can citizens be included in the generation of ideas? This project study how citizens help create ideas (Ideation), evaluate others' ideas (Evaluation), and implement those ideas judged best (Implementation).  It accompanies the FabCity innovation challenges and aim to expand our understanding of decetralized digital innovation processes. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Defense (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung BMVg).

Digital Transformation, Creating Value


Prof. Dr. André Ludwig (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Passenger transportation and freight transport are virtually always strictly separated today. But it does not have to stay that way – especially for rural areas, innovative solutions are needed. The research project CargoSurfer, funded by the , is developing an IT solution that will allow parcels to be reliably delivered in rural contexts using public transportation.

Digital Transformation, Transport Logistics, Sustainability

FoodDecide - Digital Technologies for Food Safety Decision Support

Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

The agriculture- and food sector is among the three most important sectors of Montenegro’s economy, contributing a significant share to the Gross Domestic Product (8% in 2018). However due to delays in legal framework activities there has been partial dis-functioning of the food safety system, which lacks the science-based support necessary for the protection of the population’s health. FoodDecide's vision is to develop efficient open source decision support software for Montenegrin food business operators and governmental agencies supporting food safety and disease outbreak investigations.

Food Logistics, Sustainability